A little about me...

Judy Gregerson

God always answers when we seek him!

    In 1989 I read To Russia with Love by Hans Christian about Christians from Scandinavia smuggling Bibles into Soviet Bloc countries and the persecuted Christians who were happy to receive them. Some years later, I read Through the Fire Without Burning by Dimitriu Duduman from Romania, a man who was often imprisoned and tortured for his role in smuggling Bibles to the persecuted church in the same area.
      I was astounded by the faith of the underground church in the stories I read, and the number of miracles they experienced in their hardship. Not only that, but they seemed to have a pipeline to God, and He spoke to them through dreams and visions fairly regularly.
      Most didn't have Bibles and they often passed around a page of the Bible, each memorizing it before they passed it along to someone else. I wondered why they were such joyful people amid their circumstances and how they had this amazing relationship with God even though most did not have Bibles and suffered so greatly. How could this be?
      That started me on a journey and a lifetime of prayer seeking that answer. I asked the Lord if I could have that kind of relationship with Him and if He would work the same way in my life. I wanted to know Him well, I wanted to know His ways, and I wanted to experience the overcoming life. I wanted to be able to smile in adversity and say, "God has it all under control."
      This book is about some of the things God taught me as a result of many years of praying. It's about overcoming rather than coping and coming into a victorious life that is rewarding and exciting. It's also about understanding and using the tools God has given us to overcome and then helping others rise above their afflictions.
      I hope it changes your life as much as the two books I read changed mine. Once you learn to be an overcomer, you will never be the same. And you will be able to pass it along to someone else.

     I live in the Pacific Northwest with my husband and two cats. Currently, I have published three books, one with a major publisher. Marketing is my vocation and what I do when I'm not writing.

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